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AIDS patient injects Movie-goers & Shoppers with his blood

Written By irvan hidayat on Kamis, 01 Maret 2012 | 06.29


Movie-goers and mall shoppers were injected with syringes containing infected blood of AIDS/HIV.


The story about a guy carrying a syringe full of AIDS/HIV positive blood going around injecting moviegoers at SM Megamall broke out sometime in the 1990s. There were those who claimed to have heard stories from people who knew one of the guy's victims.

A person will sit beside to someone who is alone then prick a needle to him, then leaves a morbid note like, "Welcome to my world!" or "Congratulations, you're one of us."
In the case of the shoppers, they will stand or sit beside you, then they'll inject you with the infected syringe or needle. After that, they will just run away living the words, "Happy living".


- In some stories, the guy was said to be wearing a baseball cap or a hooded jacket.
- Some people also said that the guy would let out a maniacal laugh each time he injected a victim. The guy seemed to "melt into the shadows" since nobody reported seeing him running or headed anywhere.
- Instead of a syringe, he use only a needle.
- Other versions, this guy injects HIV positive blood in Ketchup dispensers in fast-food chains.
- Another story which originated this legend:
A woman (an employee of SM) who was infected by an HIV. After being fired by Mr. Henry Sy, she took revenge. She sit/stand beside SM shopper, then injects a needle from her body. Sometimes, she left some of the needles in the seats in SM cinemas for whoever will sit on it will also be infected.

Other story would claim it was a disgruntled man.


Anti-Megamall groups probably got together and decided to infect it with this story, which, by the way, isn't original. It turns out that this story has an international scope.


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